Some of my best photos of my dogs are taken in the early morning with the north light streaming in my windows.
Here is one of my dog Tinker- See the light - no flash was needed.
Get close but not too close -this would be too close - unless you like the more pop art style
This is my dog Willie
The picture has to be large enough for me to enlarge on my PC and view while painting without distorting.
This example would be too small.- Great pic, but not large enough - I can't paint from a thumbnail
Don't shoot from above - this will now show the animals eyes and they will appear smaller - think of a studio portrait for a person. Sure, cute dog, but perhaps not the best shot for a portrait, can't see the eye detail and the camera is clearly looking down.
I can work around flash glare, but it is best if we don't have to do that. The best pictures can be taken outside on a overcast day. Don't look down on your pet w/with your camera - get eye level. (unless you like this look) Again digital cameras are great for this. A lot of my photos I just aim the camera, and don't look at the screen.
Now some of you do like Pop art and FUN pictures - so if you like that look angles that distort may be fine, here is an example of that -
The eye color and detail are the most important to me to capture the soul - personality of your pet.
Don't be afraid to send pictures. If I cannot work with them, I will let you know. I have had to turn down a couple because they were too tiny or too out of focus. But, 99% of the time your photo is just fine.
If you love the photo- and it is clear - large enough to enlarge full screen - it is likely a winner.
Yes, I can combine photos - and sometimes more than one is good, to make sure I am familiar with the markings and personality of the pet, but if you can only submit one, it should be fine. I always show you the work in progress and a final for approval before final payment is required. I will make any revisions possible to meet your specifications.
Here is a good web site to give you more tips on pet photography
send your inquiry here