Friday, December 24, 2010

What are your Goals for 2011?

After the first year of creating and selling art, it is time to reflect and set new goals.
Are you looking toward a plan and setting goals for your business?

I want to move beyond Facebook for commissions and sales.

Set out and display art locally

Add Landcapes, seascapes and more unique art

Create more books for Charity with other artists

Find that perfect fit for a rescue I can help - help more animals with the sale of art

Learn to engrave glass

Team up with other artisans to create products together

Gain another 5,000 FB fans

Setting goals is very important, it gives me motivation and direction to keep pushing foward.

Please feel free to comment and tell me what your goals are. I hope that you too set goals and achieve your dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some great goals Pam. I will have to process and really get serious about my goals. I have a few but need more. Thank you for posting this.. It gets me thinking!! Merry Christmas.


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