Sunday, November 28, 2010

Huge Goals Met, have your set your goals?

Have your met your goals? I set a goal of 5,000 fans on my FB page within the first year. I started the page last Christmas, and met my goal right before Thanksgiving.  Why would I set such a goal? Without goals you can't push the limits of  your success. I know that so many in the art world tell me that numbers don't equal sales, but I think that they do. How else do you become a known artist unless you set out to become known? Yes, sure galleries are great, but how many people visit a gallery in a day, a month a year? I have thousands of people viewing my work daily. Do they all buy? Heck no, but word of mouth spreads very fast, and the more I paint the more I sell.

So, after eleven months, I have a thriving part time business, and sell paintings on a regular basis. But, is it time to set back and reap the rewards of all that social marketing? No, you must never think that if today you sell,  tomorrow you will sell again.  You must never become complacent. The art world is very competitive. But, this doesn't mean holding secrets and not helping others. I share with my friends what I subscribe to, what I read and how I market. For there is enough room for us to all meet our goals, but you must do that yourself. Read, follow and emulate others if you wish, but set your goals high and go for it.

I've joined Linkedin and met more people who are like minded, ready to share and set goals of their own. I keep reading daily about how to market, and follow trade magazines, and watch others. I join more art groups and keep my ideas fresh and my productivity high. For, if  I stop, perhaps my 5,000 plus followers will be bored and move on.

You get one chance at life, if you desire a change in jobs, or want to strike out with your creativity, don't be shy. There are thousands of people just like you willing to help and watch you achieve your goals.

8x10 Watercolor Commission - Commissions always welcome check how to order

1 comment:

  1. I love the positive optimism of your post. I feel that way about my efforts at social media marketing too although I am trying a bit more targeted approach for my art quilts. What an exciting time we live in!


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