Friday, February 25, 2011

Are you ready to become a business?

So it is tax time once again, and we all dread paying taxes and making sure all of our documentation is order for our personal tax forms. Are you ready to keep track of your business too?  There are ways to do this and eliminate the hassle. There are scanning programs, accounting programs, and keeping your business account on one credit card. It can seem so daunting of a task that we wonder are we ready for this big step?

But first of all, you have to consider, do you have steady sales? Why do you want or need your craft/art to be a business?  I think  many of us dream of making a living on our own, and no longer working for the "man".  Yet it is so much more than wanting to. Do you have a burning desire, are you having fun? For if it  becomes a burden, or a burnout or a financial drain, it is not worth it. You must have a fire; a love of what you do to be successful.  But  you need to become friends before you can LOVE - start out with what is comfortable for you, learn to like what you do, and as you move along. Once you find the passion, then ask, am I ready to make this a business?

Don't ever force yourself to try to make a living on your art, for your fire will squelch.  Keep it fun.  If you have a day job, keep it until you feel secure.

Live, Love, Laugh and expect the unexpected.

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